March 1st is the last day to give! Dinner is on March 2nd, a few days after my birthday so the whole family can be involved!

For my 40th Birthday I wanted to do something special; and our friends rallied together to help us tip our server $2,100 at my birthday dinner.

We did it again at 41, tipping our server $2,350!

At 42? $3,380!!!!

I survived another trip around the sun, and for my 43rd birthday we want to ECLIPSE the previous tips! While my birthday is February 27th, we will be going to dinner on March 2nd so our whole family can participate!

We want to change someone’s story by blessing our waiter on my birthday with a crazy tip as an expression of God’s love for them! We will again be chronicling the night so that you can see that the funds get used as a tip in its entirety. We are paying for our own meal; it will not be paid for by these funds.

We will be sharing with our server the names of EVERYONE that contributed, unless you’d like to be anonymous. We are excited to have the privilege of being a conduit of your generosity. This isn’t us, this is God’s love through YOU!

“…let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Mt 5:16


This list of amazing people will be updated daily (without donation amount).

Jenni Thibodeaux • Michelle Cherry • Tim & Edye Bisagno • Shari Lott-Steiskal • The Bryant Family • Nathan Little • Kristen Johnson • Karen Godeau • Charlie & Chris Smith • Luciana Fernandez • Katie Simmons • Kelley & Creighton Wright • Connie & Ronnie Scheuchzer • Sue Mohr •  Martin Anthony • Daniel Potter • Katie Simmons • Steve & Heather Scott • Mike Paris • Hazel Rademaker • Robin Kellogg • Eric Mansfield • Paul Dunham • David Lile • Jennifer Hyland • Stuart Casey • Evan Hobson • Bryant Powers • Cameron Young • Mike King • Amber Fleming • Rodney LaVoie • Anonymous • Brian Moffitt • Greg Stumpff • Michael Kemple • Geil Family • Teresa Barley • Ed Sweeney • Luke Sines • Mynda Ross • Cristina Battaglia • Michelle Stewart • Rod & Brenda Froman •  Rob Ivy • Lynn Simpson • David Moon • Bryan Redmon • Isaac Donnelson • The Brick Twins • Susan Patel • Mike Curran • Susan Patel • Robin Baldree • Audrey Cauthen • Tony White • Martin Ramos • Anderson Hill • Eric Newberry •  Karin Fox • Jamie Brandenburg • Nathan Ross • Benjamin Jamison • In Honor of Danny Freeman • Anonymous • Mark Gregory • Jillian Marx • Joey Heithcock • Dan Kalman • Matthew Lentz • The Bush Family • Raymond Rizzo • Jackson Boone • Shane Hall • Ryan and Teri Froman • Heather Link • Jenny Eversole • Krantz Family • Wayne Burdette •  Mike Reyes • Jesse James • Allie Willits • Heather Lord • Kristy Wall • Michael Montgomery • Craig Margolius • Matthew Potter • Keith Harned • Paul Salveson • Darren Tyler • The Froman Family

We are going about this differently this year, due to the massive fees we have paid each year utilizing Facebook Moneypool. As a result…if you have any issues contributing, or just want to contribute via another method, please email me at kyle (at) fromancreative (dot) com or shoot me a text if you have my number.



*Totals are not updated real-time. We will be updating the totals every evening. Current total is $5,120.