Thank you for investing in the sharing of the good news of Christ; by supporting the ministry of Chaplain Tim Garrison.
Tim Garrison is a Credentialed Chaplain and member of the Chaplains Collective. Tim is currently serving as a chaplain with Racing With Jesus Ministries and pursuing the formation of a community chapel that will offer encouragement in the community.
Tim is currently based in Connecticut and serves the auto racing community locally on weekends at Stafford Motor Speedway and other venues across Connecticut and the east coast.
Your support provides pastoral care and spiritual growth to the motorsports community as well as facilitating Christian ministry events and resources in local communities.
It is the goal of Tim Garrison to serve you and share the light of Christ with you, in your community. Whether it is at the racetrack or at a community event, your giving and partnership allows ministry to take place and move Tim towards full-time ministry status.
Thank you in advance for your prayers, donations and consideration of supporting Tim in ministry.